Monday, 10 May 2010

Europe in blogs - Euroblogs (17): Eurozone

Euroblogs have reacted strongly and quite differently to the decision taken by the finance ministers in the EU Council early today.

Gavin Hewit: "staggering", "the nuclear option"

EU Weekly: "un plan ambitieux, impressionnant, couteux"

Tony Barber: "Mother of all rescue plans" "D-dag for euroen"

Bruno Waterfield: "a lie"

The European Journal: "a Swan song of the current oversized EU machine?"

Charlemagne: "stunning", "a revolutionary shift", "fiendish complexity"

Vision for EU: "unthinkable even 3 months ago"

Joe Litobarski: "a compromise solution in an attempt to avoid full fiscal union"

Eva en Europa: "Espero que no farem tard."

Centre for European Reform: "the EU is still working on a false premise"

Konrad Niklewicz: "Przecież Unia nie jest zagrożona i nie trzeba jej ratować."

Gulf Stream Blues: "should have been agreed weeks ago"

Straneuropa: "Apertura positiva e euro in ripresa. Speriamo bene."

Cecilia Malmström: "och det är viktigt att vi nu får finansiell stabilitet"

Euros du Village: "les hésitations de la chancelière allemande ont coûté beaucoup"

Jean Quatremer: "Les marchés auront ainsi réussi à imposer la rigueur pour tous"

Alpha.Sources: "some economies in the Eurozone still face debt restructuring"

Global Dashboard: "At best however, the deal is a stopgap"

Brussels Log: "De kogel is door de kerk"


Joe Litobarski said...


mathew said...

the best curation work is concise!

french derek said...

This deal is starting to look like that (very) old philosophy conundrum/joke:

The more Emmental you have, the more holes you have; but
The more holes you have, the less Emmental you have; so it seems that
The more Emmental you have, the less Emmental you have.