Somebody from UNICE (aka BUSINESSEUROPE) earlier today came to this blog looking for the COREPER meeting on 23 December 2008.
Sorry, I didn't cover this one.
But as a service to Europe's business and industry - here is the agenda of that meeting. I looked it up on the advanced search of the public register of the Council, looking for the words "permanent representatives" in the title and the document date ">01122008". I hope that helps for the next research...
I wonder what agenda point s/he was interested in...?!
Die Watchlist EUropa vom 04. März 2025
2 hours ago
Hallo, du scheinst dich ja ziemlich gut mit der Recherche von EU-Dokumenten auszukennen. Ich versuche gerade verzweifelt Dokumente des Coreper I und II zum Thema Kaukasuskrieg zu finden. Hast du vielleicht einen Tipp für mich? ;-)
For those not speaking German: Anonymous is looking for COREPER documents covering the war in the Caucasus last year.
@ anonymous: I will have look, but I won't make it today. (Ich schau mal; heute schaffe ich es aber nicht mehr.)
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