Okay, this is not really comparable to the European Parliament elections, but I suppose it will get much more attention, and it is not limited to the European Union.
Tonight, the Eurovision Song Contest will take place in Moscow, where today the Gay Pride was broken down by the police.
Congratulations, Russia, you have already won the contest of most tolerant country, when it comes to anti-gay demonstrations. I suppose this is why Russia is member of the Council of Europe.
For the "election" tonight, already 16 countries have been "eliminated" in semi-finals. Imagine this for the EP elections...?!
The final result will be be celebrated for a week, the winner brings fame to his country by bringing the event to her/his capital in the next year. So there is a lot at stake.
And maybe next year, this will be a city where tolerance is not only for those who practice intolerance. May the best win tonight!
Update: Well, it seems like with Norway a country that does not participate in the European Parliament elections but where Gay Prides are not forbidden has won the #ESC. What a fairy tale!
Die Watchlist EUropa vom 08. März 2025
1 day ago
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