Caution: The following article may contain traces of irony or hyperbole.
Europe in blogs comes a bit late this week, but since from Sunday to Tuesday I was in Rotterdam for the TH!NK ABOUT IT blogging competition finale and was fighting with a cold afterwards, it had to wait until today.
One thing we eurobloggers came up in Rotterdam was to look for the next European Commission. Actually, we wanted to decide on our own who actually becomes Commissioner, but in a trace of modesty we decided just to look for possible candidates by now.
Jon took the lead and published the main article that has already attracted around 40 comments, Kosmopolit, me, Stephen and Frank have reacted with posts linking to Jon.
And even Daniel Hannan, a blogging MEP (if you kiss him, he turns into a pink pitbull) just re-elected for his 3rd consecutive term, has joined and proposed the next Commission president: "Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Yusuf al-Barroso".
This caused a chain reaction, and Tony Barber now agrees with Charlemagne who claims that it is nonsense to campaign against Barroso, especially when this comes after the elections and only from stupid pro-integrationists.
Reading their articles, I think, the Eurocrat who is shouting at European citizens should have used his energy to annoy those media morons. Or were they all feeling bad due to the food poisoning that the dangerous Berlaymonster reported about?
On the Commission side, it was obvious that now after the elections everyone is preparing for the summer break since Meglena, Janez and Margot found some quiet minutes to write blog posts.
Commissioner Margot Wallström even seemed to have so much time that she could comment on one of my blog posts. Actually, that scared me to death because I didn't know whether I should feel threatened or honoured. High officials shouldn't react to blog posts, that makes them too human!!!
But while the European elections are over, causing terrible depression at the EP webeditors, the Iranian elections dominate the world. Douglas at A Fistful of Euros used this opportunity to do some comparative history teaching on the example of the 2008 Armenian elections. And Veronica has found even more examples to compare with.
Back in the EU, Brusselssunshine deplores some setbacks in the fight for lobby transparency in the Commission while The Lobby spots an advertisement offering a special "How to deal with lobbyists" course for MEPs.
And last but not least: Don't miss Nosemonkey on TV and read Louis who is as glad as I am about the upcoming Swedish EU-Council Presidency 2.0 (also exemplified by Bente).
There was much more in European blogs over the last week, but that's it for now. Europe in blogs will be back soon.
PS.: I have decided to keep the name "Europe in blogs". It's simply to beautiful.
US-Handelskrieg: Von der Leyen spielt auf Zeit
6 hours ago
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