In September, the members of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)* will be renewed for the next term from 2010-2015.
EU member states have started to put forward their proposals, and the first are now published in the Council register.
So far there are 15 lists available under the link you find above (updated 3x): Austria, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Latvia, Lithuania, Spain, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Italy and United Kingdom, Slovenia, Denmark.
I suppose there will be more in the days and weeks to come, so just recheck the link above once in a while for your country's list.
I think it is also worthwhile checking whom your country is actually proposing in order get an idea what kind of interests will be represented by which person on the European level - and to object in case you think these are not the right persons!
* The EESC is one of the two official consultative bodies of the European Union (the other is the Committee of the Regions). Each country has a fixed amount of members according to its size (right now the figures are fixed in the Lisbon Treaty) and they belong into three groups: Employers, Employees, and Various Interests.
Picture: @ delpiero / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
Trump spielt EU-Hardlinern in die Hände
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