Monday 22 February 2010

ACTA attacked by European Data Protection Supervisor Hustinx

Today, Peter Hustinx, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), has attacked the ACTA negotiations with a 20-page opinion (PDF) that is absolutely harsh and absolutely clear.

This probably follows yesterday's leak of the (alleged) present Draft Internet Chapter of the ACTA that has caused an outcry in the web community (e.g. here & here) that is already very critical towards the secretive nature of the ACTA negotiation process.

One example of the secrecy is this recent refusal (PDF) of the EU Council to disclose ACTA negotiation documents.

And now the EDPS concludes inter alia:
The EDPS strongly encourages the European Commission to establish a public and transparent dialogue on ACTA, possibly by means of a public consultation, which would also help ensuring that the measures to be adopted are compliant with EU privacy and data protection law requirements.
Insofar as the current draft of ACTA includes or at least indirectly pushes for three strikes Internet disconnection policies, ACTA would profoundly restrict the fundamental rights and freedoms of European citizens, most notably the protection of personal data and privacy.
What is also notable is that the EDPS complains that he has not been consulted so far - a clear attack on an institution that is meant to protect us citizens against misuse of our private data.

Altogether, Peter Hustinx paints a picture that shows that the measures apparently foreseen infringe our rights to privacy and to freedom of expression - and the Commission and member states continue as if nothing is happening.

(found via Der Schockwellenreiter)