Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Barroso more expensive than Obama (and not worth the money)

Open Europe recently stressed that Barroso earns more than Obama and will receive pensions and other payments right after leaving the Commission that will reach about one million Euros. The story has been taken over by EUobserver.

From Puisney:
[...] les salaires qui s’élèvent à environ 236.000€ par an par commissaire, 296.000€ pour le président Barroso. Soit plus que le président américain Barack Obama (400.000$, soit 293.000€). Pas mal pour un super secrétaire représentant même pas élu au suffrage universel !
Very good remarks, indeed, given the recent salary bashing. Especially the comparison of a directly elected president and a quasi-secretary (although slightly polemic) is very pertinent to me.

In fact, we are paying a lot of money to somebody who is doing a bad job (and might be re-elected because of this) - and we cannot do anything about it!