Saturday 9 August 2008

Background chart: Development of the intensity of Georgia's secession conflicts

I have found the following chart in
"Conflict Resolution through Democracy Promotion? The Role of the OSCE in Georgia"
by Pamela Jawad, published in the June 2008 issue of the scientific journal "Democratization":

The chart visualises the development of the intra-Georgian conflicts. The 1 to 5 scale is indicating the intensity of the conflict:
  • 5 = war
  • 4 = severe crisis
  • 3 = crisis (only sporadic incidents of violent conflict conduct)
  • 2 = manifest conflict (non-violent)
  • 1 = latent conflict.
I think, we could continue the chart to an unpleasant level for 2008.


Anonymous said...

Hmm, interesting piece. I should get to read it at some point, but what is really the puzzle here? Exploring whether ONE international organization has an effect on peace/conflict resolution?

From Jawad's abstract, it sounds that OSCE is described as having zero-to-little effect on conflict resolution.

Julien Frisch said...

That is also pretty much the conclusion of the text, yes.

In fact, I did not discover anything particular interesting or puzzling. This is why I just presented the chart, which at least is a very nice visualisation of the conflict over the years.