Saturday 4 October 2008

New Europe: A European weekly

There is quite an interesting project out there: "New Europe" is an English-language European weekly newspaper with lots of articles and lots of photos.

It exists since 1993, but I didn't notice it until very recently. In the present issue, the editor notes about the European blogosphere:
The EU blogosphere is growing rapidly. There are many blogs going deeply into EU affairs, and even more which skim the surface. Some are serious carrying credibility; some acting as a venting mechanism or humorous outlet. Some support Europe, and others are more anti-Europe.

I find EU blogs a precious gem in the crown of the media.
We feel flattered! Blush!

The newspaper itself covers a variety of national and international European news, and it is especially nice to see quite many pictures decorating the articles. Through these, Europe could get more (known) faces and more visibility, and I applaud for this work.

If you want to read the present issue, you can download it as PDF (attention: 4.70 MB!). This issue even covers the discussion around the forbidden England Expects blog.


Tejinder Singh said...

Interesting observation!