Monday 6 July 2009

Janez Potocnic: "A pan-European pension fund for researchers" [supplemented]

EU-Commissioner Janez Potocnik writes in his blog:
"I’m delighted to announce that we have now launched the feasibility study for a pan-European pension fund for researchers. The stage has now being set for a thorough legal and technical analysis which I hope will lead to the promotion of this ambitious initiative. [...]"
As a now-scientist I can only say that I support the initiative, not without adding that as a maybe-not-forever scientist I would be even more delighted if such a study wouldn't be limited to researchers but extended to more sectors.

"Hewitt Associates, based in Brussels, was awarded the €285,000 contract [for the feasibility study; JF] out of seven applicants on the basis of quality, legal requirements, management of the study and resources."


Unknown said...

Hewitt associates isvery arrogant and user hostile company in the personel benefit management field.

Stay away from them.