Wednesday 15 July 2009

Will MEPs become more interactive? (in reaction to a EurActiv article)

Just a few day ago, I wrote an open letter to MEPs asking them to be more interactive, while short before I discussed communication strategies of PR companies (which caused some controversy).

Now, EurActiv published an article titled "New MEPs seen embracing social media in 'conversation age'" which starts like this:
"The dawn of the "Conversation Age" will see more interaction between MEPs and stakeholders in the new legislature, public affairs bosses told EurActiv, predicting that blogs and social media such as Facebook will become more influential in European politics."
In fact, I would be more than glad if this new age would actually come!

However, it is a pity that only PR companies have been interviewed for this article and no MEPs. I would like to hear from MEPs - especially the new ones - how they think they can and will change their communication in the course of the next five years.

I want to feel this new age, I want to see it live on stage, and I am looking forward to any positive change in this regard...