Tuesday 20 October 2009

Personal Democracy Forum Europe in Barcelona: I won't come

Update: The critique to Micah at the end of the post regarding my blogging at the PDF Europe blog was based on a misunderstanding which has been sorted out.

PdF Europe in Barcelona.

I won't come. Too expensive (high fee + travel + accommodation). Too much meta-stuff.

Too many speakers that I expect to speak about themselves, about theoretical projects, about thousand things that have been said a thousand times without changing anything.

No visible spirit. Too professional. Not for real people. Thus against the spirit of the personal democracy. Not interesting.

(This is the answer to the Personal Democracy Forum Europe people who asked me via mail whether I would promote the conference - enter into a "promotion partnership" - on my blog and in all my communication, getting 20% reductions for my readers and a free card if I got four tickets sold - which is a sign that the demand cannot be that high and which is a sign of the business-like spirit of the conference that makes it sound like a sterile exercise.)

PS.: My high expectations about the PdF - who invited me to blog on their platform (which I did once) - were also massively disappointed when I realised that its president Micah L. Sifry wanted to see every post before I would blog them - which is against my blogging ethos - and who did not even activate comments to posts. If this is their vision of personal democracy, then we have a different vision.


Ralf Grahn said...


It might be a good idea to take a look at what the conference publishes for the public, in order to assess its contribution.

André said...

good call Julien

Macarena Rodriguez said...

What about my idea of a European bloggers seminar? just people helping other people to create, manage and spread their ideas. Citizens speaking to citizens, but bloggers citizens...

Julien Frisch said...

@ Macarena

I agree, we should get something like this going. Maybe you can talk about that during the Open Beer this week?

Eurosocialiste said...

Well I'm going, and at my own expense so I hope it's going to be good! I wasn't offered a deal as you were, and accepted to promote the event on my blog for free. Silly me, I suppose...
Anyway, Macarena's idea is great. Looking forward to discussing it at the Open Beer 2.0

Julien Frisch said...


Well, you will have to rock the house then! :-)

And you should ask whether you still get the same conditions as they'd be giving to me - equal treatment is European standard...

Unknown said...

I agree that the no-comments rule at the PDF blog is very web 1.0. I've been invited to speak at the conference and will try to raise the issue with Micah.

eurodatum.com said...

It is a pitty, Barcelona is a wonderful city...! ;)