Wednesday 2 December 2009

Europe in blogs - Euroblogs (12): Pan-European blog reactions on the Lisbon Treaty

This Europe in blogs - Euroblogs edition is a little bit special because it's core content is to be found in yesterday's article on the Lisbon Treaty that I have now updated with European and national blog reactions in 18 official EU languages.

But since I think the update I have made very well reflects the core idea of Europe in blogs - Euroblogs, and since it also fits into the discussions around a European blogosphere that we are going to continue "live" in our Euroblog meet-up tomorrow, I thought I'll give it some special attention:

With a little bit of research effort and the help of Google Translate I have updated my previous blog post on the Lisbon Treaty with links to blog reactions on the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty both from euroblogs (blogs mainly dealing with EU or pan-European issues) and from a number of national blogs.

Altogether, I could assemble blog reactions in 18 official languages of the European Union, and I just couldn't find relevant articles in Estonian, Hungarian, Irish, Maltese, and Slovakian.

Most blog posts are very well understandable if translated with Google Translate (just copy the link into the translate field), so I'd warmly recommend taking a look on the different perspectives in all of these articles!


Joe Litobarski said...

That's not bad at all. Most Irish political bloggers seem to write in English, especially when they're talking about the European Union. But 18 out of 23 is not bad at all!

Joe Litobarski said...

P.S. I've just added Google Translate support on the main page of my blog - to make it even easier for readers. Now you don't even need to copy and paste the text to Google - you can just press a button!