Euroblogs have reacted strongly and quite differently to the decision taken by the finance ministers in the EU Council early today.
Gavin Hewit: "staggering", "the nuclear option"
EU Weekly: "un plan ambitieux, impressionnant, couteux"
Tony Barber: "Mother of all rescue plans" "D-dag for euroen"
Bruno Waterfield: "a lie"
The European Journal: "a Swan song of the current oversized EU machine?"
Charlemagne: "stunning", "a revolutionary shift", "fiendish complexity"
Vision for EU: "unthinkable even 3 months ago"
Joe Litobarski: "a compromise solution in an attempt to avoid full fiscal union"
Eva en Europa: "Espero que no farem tard."
Centre for European Reform: "the EU is still working on a false premise"
Konrad Niklewicz: "Przecież Unia nie jest zagrożona i nie trzeba jej ratować."
Gulf Stream Blues: "should have been agreed weeks ago"
Straneuropa: "Apertura positiva e euro in ripresa. Speriamo bene."
Cecilia Malmström: "och det är viktigt att vi nu får finansiell stabilitet"
Euros du Village: "les hésitations de la chancelière allemande ont coûté beaucoup"
Jean Quatremer: "Les marchés auront ainsi réussi à imposer la rigueur pour tous"
Alpha.Sources: "some economies in the Eurozone still face debt restructuring"
Global Dashboard: "At best however, the deal is a stopgap"
Brussels Log: "De kogel is door de kerk"
Trump spielt EU-Hardlinern in die Hände
16 hours ago
the best curation work is concise!
This deal is starting to look like that (very) old philosophy conundrum/joke:
The more Emmental you have, the more holes you have; but
The more holes you have, the less Emmental you have; so it seems that
The more Emmental you have, the less Emmental you have.
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