Wednesday 13 May 2009

European Parliament elections 2009 (102): Youth candidates running for the European Parliament - LYMEC

Last week, I have been asking four European party youth organisations - YEPP, ECOSY, LYMEC (who have been issuing a joint statement against youth abstention yesterday) and FYEG (the Green youth) - about "their" candidates for the EP elections.

Here are the questions and the answers I received from the first organisation, LYMEC (European Liberal Youth):

Julien: Do you know who is the youngest LYMEC/ELDR candidate running for the EP elections? If yes, can you tell something about him/her? (If you don't know who is the youngest, you can also tell about the youngest you know.)
Name: Ingrid Lundqvist
Organization: The Center party youth
Country: Sweden
Age: 21
E-mail: ingrid.lundqvist [ at ]
Personal blog: (language: Swedish)

"I’m on the 35th place of the Center party list and I’m also the one who is the youngest. I’m 21 years old, living in Stockholm and especially interested in matters concerning trade, environment and police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters.

My dream for EU is open borders and that we work together in order to get a healthier environment, all over the globe. I want to make it possible for every citizen in EU to work towards achieving ones goals. I also want to make it easier for companies to establish in EU and for countries outside EU to trade with us on similar conditions.

I hope to inspire others, especially young, to take an active interest in politics."
Julien: Who in the LYMEC leadership is running for the elections and also has high chances of entering into the European Parliament?
Alexander Plahr, LYMEC vice-president (FDP list, Germany)
Sibel Redzheb, LYMEC treasurer (MRF list, Bulgaria)

They are not without chances of being elected and are working hard on achieving this goal.
Julien: Are you satisfied with the number and position of young ELDR candidates on the electoral lists of member parties?
LYMEC: We can be very satisfied as a lot of our parties have put forward young candidates on their lists and some are in the places where they can realistically get elected.
The answers were provided by Srd Kisevic, LYMEC Secretary General.

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