Wednesday 13 May 2009

European Parliament elections 2009 (104): Youth against youth - FYEG and EFAy attack YEPP, ECOSY, and LYMEC

Huuh, the political youth organisations are getting active.

Now FYEG (the Young European Greens) and EFAy (the youth of the European Free Alliance) attack the youth organisations of the three major European Parties (YEPP, ECOSY, LYMEC) following their statement on youth abstention issued yesterday together with Commission President Barroso:
  1. The mother parties in the European Parliament and Council of EU of the three conformist party political youth wings failed to engage proper measures to explain to all citizens how the EU institutions work during their past EP mandate. As always we can see that those efforts are only done just before and during election time. This as such shows no real interest in a continuing dialogue with Europe's citizens.

  2. The youth wings of these mother parties have a shared responsibility in not tackling this issue in an earlier stage, since they have not been able to convince the ELDR, EPP and PSE of this necessity.

  3. The ELDR, EPP and PSE in the European institutions together with their youth wings are thus responsible for playing a game of political illusion towards the voters and with the support of their national members feeding political passiveness in European society. European politics has unfortunately become a game where nation-states are only concerned with their own interests and show very little solidarity missing the European perspective.
So if I am getting it correctly, on the youth side, the clash is conformist youth organisations against non-conformist?

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Ralf Grahn said...

To be honest, the critique comes at election time too, and one is hard pressed to find substance or specifics.

Debate is healthy, but they should try a little harder to say something worthwhile.