Monday 30 March 2009

EU will reduce fees for trademark registration

On the EU Calendar I saw that "trademark fees" are on the agenda on Tuesday, 31 March 2009.

Since recently a new trademark regulation has been officially published, I gave it a look and found the following:
"The European Commission will again reduce the fees payable to the EU agency responsible for granting EU-wide trademark rights, OHIM (Office for the Harmonization in the Internal Market, located in Alicante, Spain), making access to trade mark protection around 40% cheaper for businesses operating in the EU single market. A Community trade mark currently costs between €1,600-€1,750, but this new reduction would convert the separate application and registration fees into a new combined fee costing between €900 and €1,050."
Commissioner McCreevy is organising a press conference tomorrow at 11:30, together with the responsible agency, the Office of Harmonization for the Internal Market (OHIM).

Does anybody know how these fees are in comparison with the rates in third countries?