Friday 6 March 2009

Romanian foreign minister: "A better political class"

The Romanian foreign minister Cristian Diaconescu answered today in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) on the question whether there is a new political class in Romania (as suggested by the Romanian president):
Democracy can create a new political class, and the society can elect it, according to democratic rules. Every Romanian politician, the president in particular, following his/her mandate, has the duty to improve the political class. In this regard, I would rather speak of a better political class instead of a new one.
(own translation)
It would be nice if this was be the goal of all politicians - to make the political class better - but I am afraid that this is quite optimistic (or ignorant) taking a look at the political classes in many European countries.

Remark: The last time he was interviewed by a German newspaper, Mr Diaconescu urged the EU to continue the enlargement process.


Anonymous said...

That sounds like a bad joke especially in the case of Romania. In the last couple of years Romanians got more and more disillusioned with their "political class". The most recent example is the "war of the candidates".

Julien Frisch said...

In the same interview he is also playing down corruption in Romania...