Monday 2 March 2009

Quick news: Irish MEPs change from UEN to ALDE

According to EUobserver, MEPs from Fianna Fail, the Irish ruling party, will change their affiliation from United for Europe of the Nations to the liberal ALDE group after the European Parliament elections - a move which I would interpret as quite pro-European (pro-EU).

(via europolitweeter)

Read also: nwyth's appraisal of Fianna Fail's move. And Jon Worth's argument that Fianna Fail would better fit into the EPP-ED group, but can't because the main Irish opposition party is already part of this group.


Eurocentric said...

Well, it's not a sudden conversion to pro-Europeanism; it's just been that national politics have kept them out of ALDE and EPP so far. Though it has been driven by a desire to distance themselves from the increasingly Euro-hostile UEN.